01 -
Set your oven to 375°F and let it heat up. Use a fine sieve to strain the cottage cheese. Slice the zucchini into very thin rounds, about 1/8 inch thick. Lay the slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon of salt over them, bake for 10 minutes, then blot off any liquid with a towel.
02 -
Warm olive oil in a big skillet on medium heat. Toss in the chopped garlic and cook until you can smell it. Add the ground turkey and 1/2 teaspoon of salt, cooking till it's not pink anymore. This should take about 8 minutes. Drain whatever liquid is left, then stir in the marinara sauce.
03 -
In a bowl, mix together the strained cottage cheese, the parmesan cheese (save 2 tablespoons), the egg, the dried parsley, and a bit of ground black pepper.
04 -
Spread 1 cup of the meat sauce across the bottom of a 9x13 baking dish. Add half the zucchini slices on top, then 1 cup of the meat sauce, followed by half of the cottage cheese mixture. Sprinkle 3/4 cup of mozzarella on that and add a layer of basil. Repeat everything again. Finish off with whatever sauce is left, a quarter cup of mozzarella, and the parmesan you saved.
05 -
Bake the lasagna for 35 minutes. Let it cool for 15 minutes before adding some fresh basil on top and serving. A bit of liquid under it is normal when using zucchini.