Tangy Hot Soup (Print Version)

# Ingredients:

01 - 5 dried shiitake mushrooms
02 - 5 grams of dehydrated wood ear mushrooms
03 - 20 dried lily bud strands
04 - 80 grams of lean pork
05 - Half a teaspoon of cornstarch and extra for slurry
06 - A teaspoon of water and additional for slurry
07 - Half a teaspoon of light cooking oil
08 - 40 grams of carrot
09 - 50 grams of bamboo shoots
10 - 100 grams of soft tofu
11 - 1 egg
12 - 1000 milliliters of either chicken or vegetable stock
13 - 3 tablespoons of black rice vinegar
14 - 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce
15 - Half a teaspoon of white pepper
16 - Half a teaspoon of sesame oil

# Instructions:

01 - Place the mushrooms and lily buds in warm water for 1 hour until they soften up. Slice the mushrooms and pull apart the lily buds.
02 - Slice the pork thinly across the grain. Toss it together with cornstarch, water, and oil.
03 - Cut tofu, carrot, and bamboo shoots into strips. Whisk the egg until smooth.
04 - Bring the stock to a boil. Add pork, mushrooms, lily buds, and prepared veggies. Simmer everything for 2 minutes.
05 - Pour in the cornstarch slurry. Add tofu and drizzle egg into the soup in a circular motion.
06 - Mix in the vinegar, soy sauce, white pepper, and sesame oil. Dress with fresh herbs.

# Notes:

01 - You can make a meat-free version
02 - Season the soup just before serving
03 - You’ll need to soak dried items first